Ataturk cultural center
Istanbul - Turkey 2016 - 2022
Room and building acoustics
Costomer: Republic of Turkeyt
Architect: Tabanlioglu Architects
Client for acoustic work: DESMUS Istanbul
Planning scope ADA:
Room and building acoustics for the following complexes:
- Opera house (RT approx. 1.7sec) with studio and rehearsal rooms
- Theater (RT approx.1.5sec)
- multipurpose hall
- cinema
- foyers
- Large and small orchestra rehearsal room, with recording studio
- Choir rehearsal rooms
- Ballet rehearsal rooms
- ´Cultural Street´ Shops
- ´Kids´Art Center
- museum
- library
- restaurants
Project data:
Start of planning: 2016
Completion: 2022
Based on the architect's architectural design, the rough structure of the halls in both theaters was adapted to the acoustic requirements. The walls and ceilings of the halls were then adapted. Different wall designs were recommended. Significant changes in the gallery structures in the opera house occurred because of the initially inadequate sight conditions. The location of the necessary lighting bridges in the hall also required changes to the round ceiling structure in the opera house.
In all other rooms, the acoustic designs of the wall and ceiling structures were prescribed.
From a building acoustics perspective, the specifications for wall and ceiling construction followed. Information was given on the thickness of the walls and ceilings, but also on the use of facing shells or ceiling suspensions.
For the studios and rehearsal rooms, specific information was given to avoid flutter echoes and to achieve the recommended reverberation.
The acoustic statements for all rooms were underpinned by computer-technical investigations.